Seminar Session 1

What is Leadership?

Monday, April 4, 2-4 PM EDT

Zoom room: 534-152-7598

  • Take the Values Perspectives online survey (if you have not already) Login: HCRNT2

    Take the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) Step II (contact Tanya Perdikoulias)

  • We highly recommend you look into Bent Flyvbjerg’s important work, on phronesis and on power.

  • DEFINITELY: Get seminar dates in your calendar!

    Create a Learning Journal

    Check into some really great relevant links and readings

  • Seminar session focus, Powerpoint slides, homework assignment, and more

No video was recorded for this session.

  • Where We're Going: What is Leadership? It's about YOU

    There are many definitions of leadership out there. The best idea is the oldest: self-awareness matters. What are your values? Your unique talents? What’s in your Growth Mindset? What kind of leader are YOU?

  • Session 1 Annotated Powerpoint

    This is a partial version. The full ppt will be uploaded following session

  • Homework Assignment for Session 2

    YOU: Live-With—Choose one of your most important values, that you believe is important to who you are as a leader.

    1) Observe yourself -- how are you living this value?

    2) Notice: Do you see others exhibiting this value? How?

    3) Do it daily; reflect, and capture your learning in your Leadership Journal

    PEER PODS: Schedule a meeting to occur before April 18 with all Peer Pod partners in attendance

    PEER POD EXERCISE: “My Operating Manual:” — Take turns, each spend 5-10 minutes; 5 minute wrap-up (budget your time)

    1) Share your (1-3) most important values—the ones you think it is most important for peer partners to know about you

    2) How do these values operate in your life and when/how did they become important? Do they cluster? How?

    3) What happens when you’re in a situation that runs against your values?

    YOU: JOURNAL your insights

Learning cohorts are key to sustainable learning. They help in:

  • building dialogue skills including constructive argument and giving and receiving feedback;

  • reflecting on and testing ideas with the benefit of diverse perspectives;

  • getting objective feedback from people who have firsthand knowledge of ORI;

  • receiving mutual support;

  • completing assigned projects.

Learn more in this white paper from Nomadic Learning

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