Seminar Session 7

What is Research?

Monday, September 12 , 2-4 PM EDT

Zoom room: 534-152-7598

  • Think about a question you would love to see answered (see details below)

  • We highly recommend you look into Bent Flyvbjerg’s important work, on phronesis and on power.

  • Watch video from Session 6 (June 20) with Powerpoint slides included

    Download Session 7 POWERPOINT (extensively annotated)

  • Take the FIRO-B no later than SEPTEMBER 22 - contact Tanya Perdikoulias for a login

    Keep up with your Leadership Learning Journal

    Check into some really great relevant links and readings

  • Seminar session focus, Powerpoint slides, homework assignment, and more, below

  • Homework to Complete Before Session 7


    Think of a question you would like to see answered, somewhere, sometime, someday. Something you DON’T have an answer for.

    Can be about anything—what’s been nagging at you? What big thing piques your idle curiosity? What’s the meaning of life?


    • For yourself: JOURNAL any thoughts you have about it

  • Where We're Going: What is Research?

    What’s important for you to know? Who are you as a researcher? Are there special qualifications for being a researcher? What’s it all about anyway?

  • Session 7 Annotated Powerpoint

    What is Research?

  • Homework Assignment for for Session 8


    Take the FIRO-B no later than Thursday, September 22, please.

    Follow instructions online to create a poem about yourself (est. 30 minutes)

    In your PEER PODS:

    Continue work on project assignment—keep in mind: who are WE as a research team? What are our values? How will we show up for each other in the spirit of our values?

Learning cohorts are key to sustainable learning. They help in:

  • building dialogue skills including constructive argument and giving and receiving feedback;

  • reflecting on and testing ideas with the benefit of diverse perspectives;

  • getting objective feedback from people who have firsthand knowledge of ORI;

  • receiving mutual support;

  • completing assigned projects.

Learn more in this white paper from Nomadic Learning

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