Colloquium: Annette Simmons on the Story of Power

Colloquium: Annette Simmons on the Story of Power

Annette helps leaders to grasp the extraordinary power of story as a means to influence, persuade and inspire. Her book, The Story Factor, has been named one of the “100 Best Business Books of All Time.“ In her most recent extended research project, on power, Annette found that there is a critical difference between how women and men define what power means, who should have it, how it works and what goals it should achieve. Her findings on the effects of approaching leadership with a Collaborative Narrative or with a Competitive Narrative have relevance for all leaders. We already know we can choose our values: we can also choose stories that frame our values as priorities.

Annette is also author of Territorial Games, on the reality of workplace turf wars, A Safe Place for Dangerous Truths, on dialogue, and her new book, Drinking from a Different Well. Find out more here.

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