Humber Values Perspectives Certification Level 1

Welcome, Brendan, Harleen, Siobhan and Tania!


NEW - the new personal Values Perspectives report is up and running!

Use your login code (below) to retake the Values Perspectives survey and tour the new report.

What’s Next

Peer Coaching Practicum

Ongoing: Think about: what specific questions you have about values and Values Perspectives application?

Continue to practice observing evidence of Perspectives in others

Here Are Your Personal Survey Login Codes

(login instruction memo with your dedicated code to be given to your eventual practice partners)

Brendan: login HCBM722 and Memo

Harleen: login HCHS722 and Memo

Siobhan: login HCSW722 and Memo

Tania: login HCTM722 and Memo

Survey url:

Session 1

Homework for Session 2

RequiredCertification Manual, pp. 3-65

Required“Live-With:” Ask Questions — Until session 2, practice asking questions that lead to dialogue; questions that lead to more talk, allow you to get deeper, and then ask more. Also try asking questions you might not usually, or that might ordinarily make you feel vulnerable or “foolish.” (This is not therapy; simply be aware of your habitual boundaries and look for opportunities to press on them a little in order to connect with others in ways you might not ordinarily.)

RequiredIn the personal Values Journal you have created, reflect on your experience with the Ask Questions Live-With, and what you learned.

SuggestedFamiliarize yourself with the “Discernment Questions” (a set of questions designed to stimulate reflection for each of the 102 values; posted above).

Session 2

Homework for Session 3

Download Homework Assignment (2-page PDF)

Required—Create your hypothesis in preparation for peer practice coaching in Session 3, and record for yourself some of the questions your hypothesis may lead you to ask your partner during the practice session  –  Refer to your partner’s one-page report and to Certification Manual, pp. 3-65

Required – “Live-With:” Silencing the Voice of Judgment — Until session 3, notice feelings and words of negative self-judgment. Play with this voice, find out more about it, ask it questions, make it an ally rather than a foe (in this guise it may be termed, your “Voice of Objective Intelligence”). 

Click to download EXERCISE: Psych Out the Voice of Judgment 

and if a gentler approach is preferred: click to download EXERCISE: “Shoulds”

Suggested – In the personal Values Journal you have created, reflect on your experience with the Silencing the Voice of Judgment Live-With, and what you learned. Try drawing it!

Session 3

Homework for Session 4

Required – Complete the Self-Guided Coaching Evaluation handout (editable Word file) download: Self-Evaluation 1


⊕ In the personal Values Journal you have created, reflect on your experience with the Voice of Judgment Live-With, and what you learned.

⊕ Familiarize yourself with the data samples;

⊕ For download: Kairios Values Perspectives sample reports

⊕ Continue to familiarize yourself with the Six Values Perspectives (posted above)

⊕ Continue to familiarize yourself with the “Discernment Questions” (posted above).